Frankie and the Witch Fingers – “Sweet Freak”

Another mind bender vid from Frankie and the Witch Fingers is out today and the accompanying Spaghetti Jesus video is taking your childhood memories of claymation and running them through a Dario Argento filter. Aduction, dissection and uncertainty all build to a fear that I haven’t felt since Clay Fighter hit the Sega Genesis back when I was a kid.Themes of altered states and dimensional slip find good company as the band also lets on that the single accompanies announcement of their reality shattering cycle of psychedelia, Monsters Eating People Eating Monsters… (repeated infinitely). Having taken the trip I can assert that the LP flings open the folds of reality, and this here is just the beginning. The new LP is out October 2nd from Greenway and Reverberation Appreciation Society.

Support the artist. Buy it HERE

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