Emily Rodgers – “I Will Be Gone”
There’s palpable sadness at the heart of Emily Rodgers’ new song “I Will Be Gone.” The track ruminates on the loss of Emily’s brother who died fifteen years previous as a casualty of schizophrenia-related suicide. The song vibrates inside a cocoon of grief — feelings of machinations out of one’s control, a lump in the throat that never quite leaves, even though the loved one has left a permanent shadow on life. She ruminates on the phrase “I knew him when he was well,” rolling the memory of the man she knew through the obfuscating mists of memory’s hold. Imprints of sweetness attempting to keep hold over the final scars. The record was produced by Kramer (Galaxie 500, Low) and finds itself landing on the roster of a newly reinvigorated Shimmy-Disc. The album, which shares its title with the track, will be out April 16th.
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