Connections – “In Space”

There’s a long shadow of the ‘90s guitar ghosts that crop up in the works of Ohio outfit Connections and with a history rooted Midwest indie outposts like Rockathon and Columbus Discount Records in their lineup, it’s no shocking surprise. The band culls members from 84 Nash and El Jesus De Magico, turning out taut-knuckled guitar gems that pull from the same sonic well that built those bands, though tempered with a weathered stare that’s less enamored with the exuberance of youth and more interested in using the amp growl to channel the frustrations of age. “In Space,” as the band explains, is “an exploration of nature vs city and the space humans occupy, and the conflict between the two.” Below the boiling tension Connections wrangle with “trying to progress but being held back, in a state of limbo – being “in space” just floating around. Possibilities endless but nothing really happening.” The new album, Cool Change, their second for Trouble In Mind, is out March 25th.

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