Cameron Knowler – “Kuyina”

Yet another lovely single escapes from the upcoming Cameron Knowler LP from American Dreams. The album closer, “Kuyina” is a patient, painterly track that circles the guitar traditions of the American Southwest. There’s a feeling of the artist in the plaza, playing for himself as much as for anyone that walks by. There’s sorrow crinkling at the edges of the song, but a resigned joy at its heart. Knowler’s work has consumed and decontextualized many forms of the guitar and this album is a testament to his own unique take on guitar soli, one that’s not rooted in the typical signifiers of raga and blues, but instead letting emotions sing through the strings in understated beauty. The pieces of the album are impossible to parse, so its a good thing that Places of Consequence is on its ways soon. The record arrives July 16th.

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