Body Breaks – “Between The Heart and the Mind”

A nice slice of wobble pop lands today from Canadian duo Body Breaks. Made up of Matt LeGroulx and Julie Reich, the pair knock out a heat-warped vision of post-punk that’s slotting in nicely alongside some recent Upset The Rhythm Releases like Handle or Kaputt. The band’s single “Between the Heart and the Mind” pairs a discordant, off-axis guitar with a scotch-taped patter of drums. The song lopes and leaps with a shredded glee before the breakdown teeters them close to the precipice. They stretch the senses and then spring back into the warped groove once more, skidding the song to a stop, but leaving the listener wanting more of the soured shred they provide. The album is out June 18th from new label We Are Time.

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