Badge Epoch – “Fruit Cocktail In Heavy Syrup”
A second burst of funk-saturated bliss escaped last week from Badge Epoch, the solo Max Turnbull maximalist extension of Badge Époque Ensemble. “Fruit Cocktail In Heavy Syrup” comes laden with a blast of fuzz guitar and a locked groove goodness that pulls the listener deep into the pscyedelelic wormhole. The whole record is a massive dive into psych-funk pyrotechnics, so any attempt to parse it only gives a glimmer of the full throttle theatrics that Max has laid down. The video’s found footage ADD gauze is just the kind of visual accompaniment that fits the record’s strange ways — hard to pin down and cycling a hundred frames per second with the kind of neon glimmer that haunts the edge of dreams. The new record is out August 20th from Telephone Explosion.
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