Bad Moves – “Spirit FM”

It’s a banner year for DC power pop, that’s for damn sure. With the new album from Flasher already locked on the turntable good news comes down the line that Bad Moves have an LP on the way from the always consistent Don Giovanni Recs. The band, coming off their recent cartoon infamy, hits back hard with a first single that puts its thumb down on the current cultural unrest. Taking to task the hypocritical nature of conformist religions and ingrained beliefs that seem to serve as a means to an end for so many, the song slaps back against those that play lip service to systems while using them to hold others down. Seems especially prescient in an age trying to strip back years of progress and rights for all under the guise of populist politics.
The cut pairs well with a clever video that posits our protagonist as embracing color in a world that’s bent on white washing themselves. Seems that even those onto the virtue can’t help cheating when its convenient and the schism in values breaks the hero down in screams. Heavy subtext or no, the song is an absolute ripper that’s as fun as anything the band have done to date. Its always nice to pair some cultural commentary with the kind of hook you can get lost in, fist raised and pogoing to the pulse.
Support the artist. Buy it HERE.