Ak’chamel, The Giver of Illness – “Firedriver”

After a rather prolific run at the cassette guild, running tapes from labels like Moon Glyph, Field Hymns, Already Dead, and Centipede Farm, the mercurial entity known as Ak’chamel, The Giver Of Illness lands his (their?) first release on LP for French label Akuphone. In similar fashion to the growing catalog, the release winds through a haunted sense of being lost in markets while language buzzes around from every side. There’s a foreboding tension, but also some sense of giving up to the whims of fate. Atop a bed of polyrhythms the first track from The Totemist the track moves from the clash of strings and sticks to ambient thrum and the whispered swirl of voices. Whether those voices mean harbor or harm remains to be seen, but the sense of wonder and worry is ever present in Ak’chamel’s work. The record is out next week from Akuphone.
Support the artist. Buy it HERE.