Donald Miller – “The Man In The Well”
While Miller might be known more for his reality shifting psychedelics in Borbetomagus, on his latest LP he’s stripped all the way back, delivering a suite of 12-string rambles that throw the Takoma school through a feverish wind. There’s a blues base in “The Man In The Well,” but Miller isn’t content to simply lean on virtuosity and let the ripple ease into the the banks of the river. His works bend and scrape at the traditions that he so clearly loves, with tracks on the upcoming Transgression!!! dedicated to Davey Williams, Jack Rose, and intriguingly enough Squeaky Frome alongside a cover of Charlie Patton. The new LP finds a home with acoustic haven VDSQ and its rapped in a rather striking cover from SEEN studios, which only adds to the charms. The LP finds its way out February 5th.
Support the artist. Buy it HERE.