Purling Hiss – “Yer All In My Dreams”
by Andy

Seems crazy that it’s been six years since Purling Hiss released a record. Though, to be fair, Mike Polizze didn’t leave us bone dry during that spell — two EPs a solo record, and even a long lost Birds of Maya album all seemed to salve the absence quite nicely. It’s good to have them back, though, and the first single, “Yer All In My Dreams” picks up quite nicely where the Hiss left off. It’s a guitar-forward, fuzz-blasted tumble out of the speakers and the band sounds like they’re having as much fun as ever mixing up the triple-stacked remains of the ‘90s slingers from Dinosaur to the Dü. The new record, Drag On Girard, is out March 24th from Drag City.
Support the artist. Buy it HERE.