Pink Mountaintops – “Lights of the City”
Surfacing for the first time since 2014, Stephen McBean’s Pink Mountaintops exist as the other side of the Black Mountain coin. A bit more loosely thematic, the band has embraced pop impulses in the past, but on the first single from the upcoming Peacock Pools, the band are echoing a bit of the Mountain’s prog lean. “LIghts of the City” turns up the ‘70s stadium lights, embracing huge guitars and synth overload. McBean has always let Pink Mountaintops embrace a rotating roster and this time he snags an impressive array of players with Steven McDonald of Redd Kross and Dale Crover of Melvins heading up a rester that also taps Joshua Wells (Destroyer, Black Mountain), violinist/vocalist Laena Myers-Ionita (Death Valley Girls), drummer Ryan Jewell (Riley Walker, Steve Gunn), vocalist Emily Rose Epstein (Ty Segall), and keyboardist Jeremy Schmidt (Black Mountain, Sinoia Caves). The song’s progressive heart feeds into the video, a sci-fi b-movie that has Emily Rose saving band members from a buttoned down threat. The new album is out May 6th on ATO.
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