One Eleven Heavy – “Bama Yeti”

The second single from One Eleven Heavy’s upcoming album Poolside swerves towards choogle a bit more than the last. With an air of Southern charms in its low slung guitar and barroom piano, “Bama Yeti” lets the twang slip off the hips and burn out into the air. There’s always been a good dose of Little Feat in the One Eleven formula but the band embraces it pretty heavily here. It’s an influence I’m never gonna be mad at. The song has a casual air about it, a relaxed quality that’s as refreshing as a summer breeze and the crack of an aluminum can. Nick and James spar their harmonies with a lived-in ease while the guitars curl twang into aural curls of sound on the air. The new album is out November 4th from Kith and Kin.

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