Triptides – “Highway Sun”

Triptides have long been capturing notes set free on a breeze of ‘60s nostalgia, but with their move West and a deeper dig into the ‘70s the band began to expand into a more auburn air. Last year’s Alter Echoes brought in an expanded palette, but it was really with their move to Curation for the So Many Days EP that the band found themselves enamored with the Canyon sound that’s been threading its way through so many Cosmic American releases of late. Today the band follows on the promise of that country-swathed 12” with the porch-strum strains of “Highway Sun.” The single comes along with an announcement of a full length, also for Curation. The record, which shares its name with the preceding EP will land later on in the Spring. “Highway Sun” creeps slowly through the trees, tilted green and glowing through the upper canopy of leaves. With peels of pedal steel behind their strums, the band move solidly from the ‘60s Byrdsian jangle into the weathered arms of a ’72-’73 Laurel light.

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