The Pheromoans – “The Sixth Bell”

UK DIY outfit The Pheromoans have been a lot of things over the past few years, but consistent is not one of them. The band is historically chameleonic – adapting to fit whims rather than trends, swerving through garage, autumnal pop, and the more driven sound that fits their current iteration. With a new album on the way for ALTER, the band unleashes a breathless single, “The Sixth Bell,” that’s clenched to the teeth with an itchy beat that only relents as the song skids to a close on a dirty mattress of relief. Shot through with siren stabs of synth and puffs of flute, the song jostles the listener around the room, careening and curving at the edges, but driving them nonetheless like base impulses that can’t be ignored. I’m always keen to see where The Pheramoans are at when a release lands and this seems like good ground to chew for nine tracks or so. I’m all in to see where this one leads.
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