SW Hedrick

January still proves a great setting for reconciling with the the previous year. 2024 was packed, and there were still plenty of great releases that slipped between the cracks. In the spirit of re-examination I’ve been listening to this excellent release from Scott Hedrick, a surprising left turn from the guitarist most known for working with thrash band Skeletonwitch. With that in mind, the opening acoustic flourishes from Devotional Drift, Vol. 1 feel like a sweet surprise. The guitarist’s skill remains on display but the charred remnants of his past are few and far between on the new album, an exploration of Kosmiche, German Progressive, and psychedelic folk. Planned as the first in a series of releases, the record digs well below the surfaces of these genres, prodding at Popul Vuh while slipping deep through spiritual jazz Eastern psychedelic waters.

Though it’s just Hedrick’s name above the fold, Devotional Drift is no solo endeavor. The record features a couple of familiar names on drums — Greg Fox and Ryan Jewell — plus Mark Cisneros (The Pink Monkey Birds, Chain and the Gang), Brad Caulkins (Bent Arcana, Witch Egg) and Aaron Butler. The ensemble mesmerizes with a collection of songs that burrow well into groove while leaving room for soft and supple touches. Hedrick’s guitar remains the focus, but it’s far from a soli platform, weaving his string work through drones, sax, and vibraphone, tangling acoustic curls just as often as more oxidized fuzz. That this is just the beginning is great news. Here’s to a few more years of Hedrick’s Drift.

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