Spectrum Control

Dewey Mahood has earned himself a place a the psych warrior roundtable and then some, serving in Eternal Tapestry, Plankton Wat, Gärden Söund and Edibles over the years. Now he sets off on a new endeavor in the solo vein. Tacking a different wind than previous (pseudo)solo adventure Edibles’ junkyard dub; Spectrum Control is built on a midnight shift grind of junkshop beats scotch taped to 4 AM cigarette curls of guitar that wind their way around buzzing organs, dipped into the last grit coffee of the evening. The record has a bloodshot quality that taps an energy on the line between the nervy edge of exhausted and exhilarated. Mahood’s not off base in the least by calling it twilight pop. Its music for the eternal wanderers, the streetlight scions.
There’s certainly a feeling that Mahood is finding his footing within the framework. The album’s got a rough charm about it, but I’m hoping this gets a little room to breath and more shelf space down the line. I was a fan of Mahood’s Edibles and this has some crossover appeal for those on the fringes of psych’s heady hang. But for now, this is a pretty strong jump out of the gate.
Support the artist. Buy it HERE.