Pigs Pigs Pigs Pigs Pigs Pigs Pigs

Its shaping up to be a heavy, sludge encrusted week around here, so naturally I’ve set sights on the debut from UK space juggarnaut Pigs Pigs Pigs Pigs Pigs Pigs Pigs or Pigs x7 as they are, mercifully, better known. The album is only three tracks long, but much like that heavy slab by Dhidalah yesterday, they’ve got no affinity for brevity and little remorse for unleashing a half ton torrent of noise upon the listener. The album opens with “Psychopomp,” clocking in just a tad over fifteen minutes of sludge, a suite of grit, blood and bile that feels like there may be no hope of ever seeing light again. Usually on a track pushing the stopwatch toward the quarter hour there’s an eye of the storm, or some sign of relent, but Pigs x7 open hot and pretty much clear cut any ounce of hope you had living in your system before the needle pop out of the groove.

The second cut is dubbed “Sweet Relief,” but that may only apply to the length here, shortening their bite to a standard four minute mile and cranking up the Sabbath via Monster Magnet vibes to a rolling boil. The song shows no sign of letting in any light, and its a damned good thing. This, right here, is the seething, twitching, festering raw nerve burn that we need right now. It’s a catalyst call to harness the dark and spit it back with a heart beating diesel and a clear mind. The last cut is, almost improbably, running long on the opener, and for a split second they trawl in with a bass knot that’s peaceably inviting before shredding any solace with the full assault of everything that’s come before. Feed The Rats is in the running for my favorites in the metal department this year. I know its damned early, but this one feels like its going to be the one to beat.

Support the artist. Buy it HERE.

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