Mike Wexler – “After”
Songwriter Mike Wexler assembles a crack backing band versed in jazz, though they find footing between their improvisational past and his autumnal shades and verdant verse. Its a subtle shift, but the players, including David Lackner, Adrian Knight, Max Zuckerman, and Mike Advensky, give Mike’s work a scrubbed up sheen. the The first taste fro the upcoming Mike Wexler with Synthetic Love Dream is the loping, gently swirling “After.” The band here is restrained — a touch of bass thudding like a rudder, a patter of percussion and the driving wheel ramble of guitar pushing against a swell of organ. Wexler is as assured as ever, delivering a song that hangs on the air like breath in December. The new album comes out via his old hangout at three:four records this week and this track is just a small peek into the band’s well-oiled simmer.
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