John Andrews and the Yawns – “New California Blue”
When John Andrews’ last album sidled onto the speakers it was a nice extension of some of the quiet cool he’d gathered while in his band Quilt. While it stepped back a bit from the band’s verdant folk sound, he kept the windswept pastoral feelings that made Quilt an indelible part of the aughts indie psych landscape. In the meantime John can be found haunting albums from Hand Habits and Purples Mountains, Woods to former bandmate Shane Butler’s Olden Yolk. As he approaches for a third round under the Yawns umbrella, he’s finally filling the hole of his legacy in Quilt. The album’s first single “California Blue” is imbued with a strain of melancholy distilled from the same well that fed the pipes of his past. With a renewed reliance on twilight-stained keys and some Joni Mitchell in mind, he’s crafted a pillowy ode to the West Coast, while hunkering down in his New Hampshire barn. The new Yawns album, Cookbook is out May 14th from Woodsist.
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