Jennifer Castle – “Monarch Season”

Been a bit charmed by this new single from Canadian songwriter Jennifer Castle and it lands quite gently on a crisp fall day. With a bit of Judee Sill and Kath Bloom in her approach, Castle’s latest album is wistful and reserved, letting melancholy sit on our hearts with all its weight. “Monarch Season,” the title track to her upcoming LP, is a song that lacks even a whiff of jadedness, which in our current climate seems almost impossible. Castle depicts being so struck by the beauty of natural cycles that its overwhelming. With just a slight tumble of piano, a faint whisper of hiss, and her strident voice Castle can stamp out the most fervent doubts that while the world would conspire to crush us under a mountain of madness, there’s still an innate ability for it to also enrapture us with just one or two quiet moments. The song seems to streak down the skin in the wake of a tear, and like that simple indulgence, its gone with gust of the afternoon wind. The album is out October 16th from Paradise of Bachelors and Idée Fixe.
Support the artist. Buy it HERE.