Delivery – “The Explainer”

A little while back I covered an older gem from The Vacant Smiles and last week Spoilsport put out an EP from the band’s Seamus Whelan and James Lynch. Along with members of fellow. Aussie outfits Gutter Girls, House Deposit and Soursob, the pair make up Delivery. Swerving a hard left from The Smiles’ psych-pop into a nervy New Wave, the band aims for some of the same territory being excavated by Ausmuteants and Smarts. With a wireframe guitar line, nail-bitten synth, and a few heart palpitation pounds on the kit, the band lays out an anxious delight in “The Explainer.” The band jolts the song to life with a 220 volt kick to the base of the skull and doesn’t let up. The whole EP is a jagged joy and a great introduction to the band.
Support the artist. Buy it HERE.