Cory Hanson – “Horsebait Sabotage”
by Andy

Another killer rides out of the new Cory Hanson record this week. Hooked on a heavy guitar lead, this “Horsebait Sabotage” pushes as far from the expectations behind Cory’s solo works as any single yet. Scuttle those expectations for soft country croons and this one is a gnarled sucker punch to the solar plexus — a song hooked on the edges of Americana, but embracing the prog prickles of his work in Wand, finding an exploratory valley between. There’s a fun, Duck Hunt-style, video for the cut, but it’s kitsch makes it hard to focus on the song. It’s worth a look just to see Hanson’s slapstick Western hijinks, though. The new album, Western Cum, is out June 23rd from Drag City.
Support the artist. Buy it HERE.