Will Stewart – “Firebird Fever”

A Southern slice of boogie-bred choogle comes sauntering out from Will Stewart this week, heading up the release to his fourth album, Moon Winx. Stewart takes JJ to the edge of glam, but lets the steam burn off before he puts on the platforms and plaids of Slade or dances close to the bravado of Bolan. Through the crunch of guitar and the chug of rhythm, there’s a feeling of road wear on “Firebird Fever,” white lines laid out ahead and dust streaming behind. Blowing smoke rings in the neon, the new cut sets up Stewart’s latest in singed style. Moon Winx finds its way out on February 28th from Earth Libraries.

Prism Shores are constantly shuffling through melody and melancholy until they lodge ten hooks deep into the listeners’ hearts. Smudged and stained with the soul of the ‘90s, the record blurs the boundaries of time, letting us all get blissfully lost in the haze and hum for a while. https://bit.ly/40eHdoM

Support the artist. Buy it HERE.

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