The High Beamers – “Blank Room”

Nice burner here off of The High Beamers’ new album, Who Cares? Helmed by Tom Spall (Wirehads, Dom & The Wizards), its less wire-chewed than his work with a few other Aussie outfits. Much of The High Beamers’ new LP shows a tender side of Spall, but the heart is washed from his sleeves on “Blank Room,” a four-minute pounder that comes stomping into view with hammered drums and sprinting bass. As the song settles in the ride begins to roughen. The guitars tear at the tune, scratching the painted veneer with razor sharp claws. While Spall might be known for his discordant violin and discomfiting production elsewhere, here he makes his case as a noise-saturated rock wrangler in his own right. The band’s new LP is out now on Aussie label Drongo Tracks.

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