SUSS – “This Land Is Your Land”
Alongside the excellent ambient country series that the band’s Bob Holmes has been curating, SUSS offer up one of their own today, a torn and tattered, yet defiant, cover of Woody Guthrie’s “This Land Is Your Land.” Paired with a stark video of Americana plains, trains, and plateaus, the band’s cover is a stark reminder of days to come, facing down another four years of grift and greed. The band has fashioned the song as a rallying cry, although one marked with scars on the heart.
Discussing the single, the band notes, “Music more than almost anything else can evoke the emotions of a time and place. As we find ourselves again in a time of challenge and uncertainty, we reach for solace in the same places as those who came before. Whether it’s a hymn, a battle cry, or a simple folk song, music is at the ready to bring us together and remind us that we have been here before, we are still here, and always will be as long as we remember.” The new single is out now from Northern Spy.
Support the artist. Buy it HERE.