Rosey Dust – “Keep For Life”

Over two sides of his debut single, Kevin Klausen channels The Replacements, Teenage Fanclub and post-Big Star Chilton with the zeal of a tried and true acolyte. There’s ripped denim and sweat baked into “Keep For Life” – a roughed up track that feels most in debt to The Mats’ legacy of roadworn, dustbowl American rock n’ roll. The flip enters a bit of tenderness into the equation, softening the lights on the verses, but still laying into the guitar like an ‘80s kid enthralled with the long tail of the ’70s, yet ducking the FM strains that dominate the right of the dial. Klausen’s clearly waiting for the solos in each track, itching for his time to show off and, while it works well in these two tracks, its easy to see how two long sides of the same could begin to wear on the anticipation index. Its a nice first stride, albeit one that stands squarely on the shoulders of giants before him.

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