Richard Youngs & Raül Refree

Soft Abuse is kicking out the quality this week, with the announcement of a long awaited album from Donovan Quinn earlier this week and now inklings of one of Richard Youngs’ best yet. The Glaswegian guitarist teams with Raül Refre on an album of long, winding, hypnotic pieces that work together the artists’ interest in chamber music, liturgical song, and the heavy-hearted folk of Tim Buckley. “Nil To Mind” swirls ‘round the listener, built on a circular guitar form but aching with overwhelming sadness from Refre’s string accents. Youngs is prolific, to say the least, and you’d be forgiven for becoming overwhelmed by his outpouring of collaborations, solo works and experimental output under the “Foot Guitar” heading. That said, this album exemplifies why Youngs is such a vital force in folk and composition. This marks the duo’s first collaboration, but with such staggering work at hand, I hope this winds up the beginning of something big. The LP is out December 6th.
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