Plankton Wat – “Nightfall”

Finally got a burner off of this new Plankton Wat out today. Thrill Jockey announced this one a couple of weeks back but today “Nightfall” graces the speakers and its another lysergic dose of float from Dewey Mahood (Eternal Tapestry, Gärden Söund). The Wat has always been a more meditative side of Dewey’s music and “Nightfall” embraces the elegiac strain that’s rippled through his works in the past. Guitars sparkle with a dampness in places before the heat-rippled fuzz takes hold of the track. There’s a West Coast air to this cut, sun glinting off of the water and head swimming in the lat August heat before the soft call of brass and brimstone wash away the calm. The new album is out February 26th from Thrill Jockey.

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