Love Child – Peel Session

Very excited to see this one hit this week. The recent Love Child compilation by 12xU shone a much needed light on the band, giving listeners a vital overview of their catalog. The set wrapped up tracks from their studio albums, early 7”s, compilations, and radio sessions. Alongside two tracks from KPSC, the comp includes two incredible cuts from the band’s Peel Session in 1992. Among the studio recorded fare, these two tracks stick out as highlights and it leaves the listener wanting more. Well, now the label’s got you, releasing the full Peel Session to Bandcamp this week. The set adds two more tracks with “Slow Me Down,” and the excellent Moondog cover “All Is Loneliness” sidling alongside the already released “Asking For It” and the essential, non-album cut “Greedy.” This is one of those Peel Sessions that truly showcase a band’s ferocity live to tape, an indispensable companion to the 12xU comp.
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