Hollow Hand – “Heaven Just Watched”

Earlier in the year a great psych-pop single slipped out from UK outfit Hollow Hand with no album in tow, but now details on it’s home have surfaces and it looks like the band will join Elkyn as part of the UK arm of Curation’s growing stable. “Heaven Just Watched” is the second single from the band’s upcoming album Your Own Adventure. Like the first single, it winds ‘70s pop hooks around a more robust, psychedelic pop strain — like kaleidoscope lenses scattered in the dirt. There’s a bit of an Elephant 6 itch to “Heaven Just Watched,” exploding at the edges with strums, flutes, and backward guitars, giving way to layers of vocal harmonies that swing from the rigging. The new album, songwriter Max Kinghorn-Mills’ third under the name, is out March 3rd. The record features contributions from RSTB faves Spencer Cullum Jr. and Ryan Pollie.

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