Hills – “Flöjtjola Med Tema Från Solen”

Swedish psych stormers Hills have been kicking up dust clouds of fuzz and fray since ’06 and in their tenure they’ve issued three great, if slightly undersung, albums for Intergalactic Tactics, Transubstans and Rocket Recordings. Their debut for Intergalactic Tactics is now getting a well-deserved reissue through Skylantern / Cardinal Fuzz this year and alongside the redone original LP, the labels have worked up a bonus that ropes in five unearthed bonus cuts packed on an LP with artwork by Skylantern’s Nik Rayne. The first bonus cut to see light is “Flöjtjola Med Tema Från Solen,” a scorched instrumental that vomits lava and ash to hypnotic effect. The band has often been a psych collector’s secret, not quite enjoying the plaudits of their fellow countrymen Dungen and Goat, but they’re equally worth the praise. If you’ve missed out on the debut LP in its first run, or simply got there when it was CD only (like me) then this is a good time to revisit and pick up a few bonus blasts while you’re at it.
Support the artist. Buy it HERE.