Chime School – “Wandering Song”
Pushing its way to the top of my anticipated list for the fall, Chime School lets out a new single from the upcoming LP, The Boy Who Ran The Paisley Hotel. Atop driving jangles, songwriter Andy Pastalaniec has crafted a pining jangler for the ages. Though, the song pines not for love, but change, ruminating on distractions and devices we use to keep ourselves from addressing problems at hand. As sunny as it sounds, the song’s got a heavy heart. But, in traditional ‘spoonful of sugar’ dynamics, the lament goes down easier with nods to Teenage Fanclub, The Chesterfields, Close Lobsters, and East Village. The song’s already bandying with Chime School’s best. The new album finds is way onto shelves August 23rd from Slumberland.
Support the artist. Buy it HERE.