The Sewerheads – “Trick of the Rain”
by Andy

The noise-soaked closer to The Sewerheads debut Despair is a Heaven chews on the wires of post-punk, run through with art school shrapnel. Feeling like kindred spirits to the similarly named Wireheads, the band builds monolithic walls of guitar and growl and picks them apart with chewed-nerve violin scrawls. The record finds a balance between the tension of strings, but lets its guard down on “Trick of the Rain,” contorting and collapsing on itself in delightfully frayed and fractured tangles. The record slipped out in the dead end dregs of 2024, a splinter in the flesh of 2024’s last moments, but it’s definitely not one to miss. Despair in Heaven is out now from Tall Texan.
Support the artist. Buy it HERE.