The Modern Folk – “Club Sequence”
The newest album from The Modern Folk (J. Moss.) embraces quite of free of the same impulses of the blues-folk forms dropped on his Primitive Future/Lyran Group on Eiderdown, but the b-side lets something newer tip into view. With the Modern Folk Trio Band (Remi Lew, Austin Richards, and Zach Barbery) the recordings begin to devour a new deity. Fraught with post-surf slide and greased queasiness, the recordings present something new under the Modern Folk flag. “Club Sequence” represents some of the best of these, a slippery reverberation that bounces off of a rubberized skull. The song has a narcotic quality to it that the video embraces — half formed images surfacing through the haze and the taste of pineapple and rum on the tongue in a thick lacquer. The album originlly popped up on Bandcamp digitally, but has been resequenced and edited for vinyl release for WarHen Records this year. The new version is out October 30th on very limited LP.
Support the artist. Buy it HERE.