Psychedelic Porn Crumpets – “Social Candy”

While I’ll admit that the name has always set my hackles up, its hard to deny a heavy hitter and the latest from Psychedelic Porn Crumpets is full of outsized riffs and clever twists. The Perth band definitely taps the same wells that drive Tame Impala and Temples and do it with no dose of self-seriousness. “Social Candy” hits as a standalone single to prep for upcoming UK and Aus dates. It follows their recent repackaging of the two-parter albums High Visceral Parts 1&2 as a double set earlier in the year. The Perth band amps up the psychedelic vibes with dayglo paint and some fast paced photography and its hard not to swing the volume up on this one as those guitars crunch down. As I said, I’ve been hesitant on the band in the past but this single is some of the best they’ve offered yet and serves as a nice entry point.

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