
The last couple of years have seen Oneida swing back towards the sweat and swelter of their most overt rock impulses. Where their sounds got stretched and singed over their last few Brah releases, skewed more experimental with Rhys Chatham, and hit the pop pedal on Romance, 2022’s Success was a return to the riff. That dedication to dirt-dragged rock returns on Expensive Air, feeling very much like a kindred spirit to Success. In my early days of experiencing Oneida, it was the band’s indomitable spirit, the joy which which they bashed through punishing percussive pound and amplifier itch, that was only matched by the band’s penchant for tearing punk apart with psychedelic glee.

That feeling is in full force on Expensive Air. Where Success was a bit of a reset, now Oneida’s back to blistering their bombast in the best ways. As often as it runs anthemic through the streets on “Here It Comes” and dark and dirgey on “Spill,” the record throws the listener a few brain smashers like “Salt,” turning riff over and over until it callouses and bleeds. Similarly, “Stranger” brings an acid upset to the record, anchored by the million-mile-menace of Millions’ rhythm, but unraveling and curdling around its frantic pace. The band’s spent years building and breaking expectations, and on Expensive Air, they prove that once you think you have ‘em figured out, Oneida just can’t help but swerve with a smile.

Real excited to have the band blow open the weekend for the Deep In The Valley festivities as well. Catch them at Tubby’s on August 9th.

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