numün – “Opening”

Centripetal Force keeps the ambient aura glowing today with a second single shrouded in dusk light. Laced with a somber gravity and hushed tones, the new single from numün introduces the band’s third LP. The trio, formed by Joel Mellin, Christopher Romero (Gamelan Dharma Swara) and Bob Holmes (SUSS, Rubber Rodeo) smelts Western expanses with Eastern tones, slipping away from the ambient country that Holmes has been instrumental in elevating for a sound that’s built from cumbuz (fretless Turkish 12-string banjo), gamelan (Balinese metallophones & gongs), piano, bass flute, violin, guitar, electronics, and synths. The title track “Opening,” leans on strings and flutes, undercut by the slow creep of piano, but it’s the wordless ache of Willa Roberts’s (Black Sea Hotel) vocals that turns this track into something otherworldly. The new single is out now with an album to follow from Centripetal Force and WIAIWYA.
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