Jake Xerxes Fussell – “Breast of Glass”
A couple of new tracks out yesterday from the excellent new Jake Xerxes Fussell record, just more reason to get this one on your radar for early next year. Fussell’s long been an interpreter of scarred, spare folk classics, but with the help of James Elkington and a cast of excellent studio backers, he centers on his own works this time, still echoing a smoke scent of the past, conjuring up the embers of artist who’ve come before him. There’s a stillness to “Breast of Glass,” a solitude that seems to follow it no matter how crowded an environment it graces. Fussell’s voice is bound in burlap and doused in honey and his songwriter’s soul can’t help but shape the new songs into pre-creased classics of his own. The new album is out January 21st from Paradise of Bachelors.
Support the artist. Buy it HERE.