Horse Lords – “Mess Mend”

It’s always good news when Horse Lords crawl into view with a new album. The band’s latest, Comradely Objects, finds the band percolating along a similar axis to their last, but smoothed ad silvered in a way I haven’t heard from the band yet. The guitars still chew on the live wire dynamics that have made Horse Lords a fan favorite, but this time they put the synths and electronics towards the front. The band’s embrace of rave culture mixed with the avant-squelch of their chummed water frenetics makes for a perfect fit. “Mess Mend” starts off with a piano stab that feels ripped straight out of Happy Mondays or Soup Dragons, a surprising slice of influence to be sure, before running down the ragged blues road and into the late night light show euphorics. The band never let the weight of expectations tie them to the tracks and I love them for it. The new album is out November 4th from RVNG, Intl.

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