Dummy – “Atonal Poem”
Psych-pop snagged by propulsion is at the core of the upcoming Dummy record, but the band is by no means a one-note network of influences. The rather resplendent, and surprising pre-album release “Atonal Poem” is an example of when they let their atmospheres eclipse the need for hooks and the drive for distortion. Its a reflecting pool of a piece that closes out the band’s upcoming Mandatory Enjoyment, leaking a cosmic cool into the album’s outer crust. The accompanying video matches the search for space, adding an animated calm that’s just a bit wobbly at the edges — like a ‘70s science textbook rescued from a puddle. The song finally finds its way back to groove by the time it closes, but the journey through Roedelius waters on its way to there is the real hook here.
The band’s Alex Ewell explains, “‘Atonal Poem’ is the sound of a rock band obsessed with new age music. We were listening to a lot of very peaceful music played on malleted instruments. It’s kind of like, wouldn’t it be funny to try to write a song like this? Why not break the rules? Why not challenge the expectations, especially within yourself? We wanted to create something uninhibited and untethered to convention. We had no idea where it would take us, but this track was the result. In the mythology of the record, this song represents the visitor’s journey home, far away from the atrophy and decay of life on Earth.” Seems like they may have nailed that dissociated aura. Check the video above and nab the new record Mandatory Enjoyment, out next week from Trouble in Mind
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