Ayumi Ishito – “The Basement Jam”
by Andy
Another jazz stunner today, this one running much closer to the funk than the fray, from Brooklyn-based saxophonist Ayumi Ishito. Along with her quintet of players, Ishito, has crafted an album that’s voracious in its inclusion of influences for the always excellent 577 label. “The Basement Jam” finds the band at their most limber and loose, pinned to Yoshiki Yamada’s fluid bass and sparring with the twin guitar tangle of Hajime Yoshida and Yana Davydova. The song builds to an ecstatic peak, dousing Ishito’s sax in an electronic squall. The song’s leaves a few claw marks on the door, but it still manages to get the listener out of their seat and into motion. The new record, Wondercult Club, is out now.
Support the artist. Buy it HERE.