Axis: Sova – “Fractal USA”
by Andy

More goodness on what’s quickly becoming an attempt to ingest more music than seems humanly possible, Bandcamp Friday. A short shot here from Axis: Sova pushes a more motorik pulse, with the machine march of drums underscoring that scorch that we’ve come to love from Brett over the years. The EP’s opener is feedback huffin’ howler, but over the course of this EP Sova takes a few new tacks as well, ingesting some dub-slung haze on “(Don’t Wanna Have That) Dream,” a more laconic outing than he’s usually known for. Throw in an unexpected Cluster cover and a seven-minute percolated capper and its a fun grab-bag of an EP that keeps the band fresh between albums. The record is out now from God? Records.
Support the artist. Buy it HERE.